How to Make Your Chinese Herbal Decoction



This is a very important part of your healing process.


Please Note: Making a decoction is basically like making a broth soup. Instead of making a chicken soup you are making a Chinese herbal soup. There is nothing scary, mysterious, or difficult about making an herbal decoction (soup).



Decocting instructions:

1. In a pot, add 4 cups (32 oz) of water with a complete bag of the raw herbal formula. Clay or Glass pots
are preferable, stainless steel is OK. Avoid using aluminum pots or Teflon coated pots. If you have been
given special cooking directions please make appropriate adjustments.
2. Let herbs soak for 10 min.
3. Turn heat up to medium high and bring to a rolling boil.
4. Then turn down to low and simmer for 40 minutes. Using a strainer, strain the decoction into storage



You have been give ___ bags of herbs. Each bag makes enough decoction for a ___ day supply, which
should be separated into ___ equal parts. One part represents one dosage and should be drunk three times a day, with or without food.

The remaining decoction may be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.